The Three Whisky Happy Hour: A PIG Goes to Market & The “L-Word”
July 29, 2023
After clearing the decks of the latest headlines from the week involving Biden trials and Trump tribulations, we get down to business discussing John’s new book The Politically-Incorrect Guide to the Supreme Court (co-authored with Robert Delahunty). Naturally Steve and Lucretia have some issues to pick with John.
Steve manages to annoy everyone by noting the Statute-That-Cannot-Be-Named-On-This-Podcast (rhymes with Lean Fair Fact) and connecting it to the “L-Word,” meaning the Lochner case. You thought it meant something else? How old fashioned and quaint in this Age of Infinite Pronouns.
And did Kamala Harris set a new low in hypocrisy and bad faith this week with her attack on Florida’s African-American history standards? Let us count the ways. . .