
Press Release: AEI Announces New Scholars in Its Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies Research Division

By Robert Doar | Yuval Levin

July 15, 2022

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Washington, DC (July 15, 2022) — The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) announced today that its Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies research division, under the leadership of AEI Senior Fellow Yuval Levin, has hired several new scholars to advance important research at the intersection of the humanities, social sciences, and public policy.

The following scholars will be joining AEI later this summer:

  • Christine Rosen. A prominent journalist, historian, and author, Dr. Rosen has been a senior writer at Commentary magazine and chair of the Colloquy on Knowledge, Technology & Culture at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia. Her work as a senior fellow at AEI will focus on the junction of technology and culture.
  • Ruy Teixeira. A leading scholar of American political sociology, demography, and public opinion, Dr. Teixeira has charted the evolution of the American electorate and its implications for our democracy. His work as a nonresident senior fellow at AEI will focus on the transformation of the party coalitions and the future of American electoral politics.
  • Joshua T. Katz. A renowned linguist and classicist, Dr. Katz was previously Cotsen Professor in the Humanities, professor of classics, and a faculty associate of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University. His work as a senior fellow at AEI will focus on the future of higher education, language and culture, and the humanities broadly defined.
  • Christopher Scalia. A far-ranging scholar of English literature, Dr. Scalia has served as director of AEI’s Academic Programs. His work as a senior fellow at AEI will focus on the state of American intellectual and literary culture and the future of the university.

These new hires add to an impressive list of new scholars who have joined AEI since Robert Doar became president. This list includes: Yuval Levin, Kori Schake, Matthew Continetti, Aaron L. Friedberg, Mark J. Warshawsky, Klon Kitchen, Adam J. White, and Elisabeth Braw.

Through books, articles, essays, public speaking, and teaching, these scholars will help advance the work of AEI’s Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies division. Scholars in this division work to strengthen America’s core institutions and study the foundations of self-government, law, culture, family, community, and civic life.

AEI President Robert Doar said, “These new colleagues embody AEI’s commitment to freedom of thought and the competition of ideas and will reinforce our work to strengthen the foundations of our free society.”

Added Dr. Levin, “We’re excited to support the research and writing these new scholars have in mind, and we know they’ll enrich the intellectual community at AEI.”

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AEI is a nonprofit, nonpartisan public policy research organization where scholars work to expand liberty, increase individual opportunity, and strengthen free enterprise.