Our Scholars
AEI scholars are committed to making the intellectual, moral, and practical case for expanding freedom, increasing individual opportunity, and strengthening the free enterprise system in America and around the world. Our work explores ideas that further these goals, and AEI scholars take part in this pursuit with academic freedom. AEI operates independently of any political party and has no institutional positions. Our scholars’ conclusions are fueled by rigorous, data-driven research and broad-ranging evidence.
Find a scholar by policy area:
Senior Fellow and Milton Friedman Chair
James C. Capretta
Research Areas
- Health care policy
- Market-based reform of US health care
- Entitlement reform
- US budget policy
- Global trends in aging
- health
- and retirement program reforms
Senior Fellow
Timothy P. Carney
Research Areas
- Economic competition
- Cronyism
- Civil society
- Localism
- Religion in America
- US birth rate
Nonresident Fellow
Amitabh Chandra
Research Areas
- Biopharmaceutical innovation and pricing
- Value in health care
- Medical malpractice
- Racial disparities in health care
Nonresident Senior Fellow
James W. Coleman
Research Areas
- Energy policy
- Energy commodity regulation
- Energy transport regulation
- Energy trade and markets regulation
Senior Fellow
Patrick and Charlene Neal Chair in American Prosperity
Patrick and Charlene Neal Chair in American Prosperity
Matthew Continetti
Research Areas
- Conservative politics
- Republican party
- American political thought and history
- The American conservative movement
Senior Fellow
Zack Cooper
Research Areas
- US defense strategy in Asia
- US alliances and partnerships in Asia
- US-China strategic competition
- Chinese economic statecraft and coercion
Senior Fellow
Deputy Director, Center on Opportunity and Social Mobility
Deputy Director, Center on Opportunity and Social Mobility
Kevin Corinth
Research Areas
- Economic opportunity
- Social mobility
- Poverty
- Homelessness
Gerald R. Ford Nonresident Senior Fellow
Jay Cost
Research Areas
- American politics
- Elections
- Public opinion
Director, Survey Center on American Life
Senior Fellow in Polling and Public Opinion
Senior Fellow in Polling and Public Opinion
Daniel A. Cox
Research Areas
- Public opinion and survey research
- Political behavior
- American politics
- Religious and demographic change
- Youth culture and politics
Senior Fellow
Sadanand Dhume
Research Areas
- India and Pakistan
- South Asian political economy
- South Asian business
- South Asian security
- Radical Islam in South and Southeast Asia
President, American Enterprise Institute
Robert Doar
Research Areas
- Poverty (and federal programs)
- Welfare
- Families
- Children’s health
- Young adults
Senior Fellow
Giselle Donnelly
Research Areas
- National security
- Military strategy
- operations
- and programs
- Defense budgets
- American strategic culture
Nonresident Fellow
Michael Brendan Dougherty
Research Areas
- American political thought
- Republican tradition in America
Nonresident Fellow
Ross Douthat
Research Areas
- American politics
- American society and culture
- Religion
- Family life
Nonresident Senior Fellow
Colin Dueck
Research Areas
- Political influences on US national security strategies
Senior Fellow
Mackenzie Eaglen
Research Areas
- Defense strategy
- Defense budgets
- Military readiness
- US military
Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy
Nicholas Eberstadt
Research Areas
- Demographics
- Economic development policy
- Poverty
- The unemployed
- International security in Asia
- North and South Korea
- Global health
- Foreign aid
Nonresident Senior Fellow
Jeffrey Eisenach
Research Areas
- Telecommunications
- Internet regulation
- Competition and policy issues in the IT sector
John H. Makin Visiting Scholar
Jesús Fernández-Villaverde
Research Areas
- Macroeconomics
- Economic modeling
- Economic history
- Digital currency
Nonresident Senior Fellow
John G. Ferrari
Research Areas
- Defense budget
- US military
- Data analytics and defense
- Defense reform and acquisition
- Security force assistance programs
Adjunct Fellow, Center on Opportunity and Social Mobility
Leslie Ford
Research Areas
- Poverty
- Safety net programs
- Welfare